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JCCD Studio Production Headquarters

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Vision Group | Vision

Integrated Arts
Offering a wide range of tastes and designs, including character design, illustration, and manga.
Provides high quality Live2D, SpriteStudio, and Spine.
2D Animation
From tens of seconds of in-game animation and commercial animation to theatrical animation.
Capable of producing low-poly to ultra-high precision models for a wide range of fields, including games, video, industrial products, and VR/Vtuber, depending on your needs.
Multilingual support for various needs such as games, applications, business cards, and product packaging.

Audio Group| Audio

Voice actor
We offer a wide range of services from voice actor casting, game voices, anime, dubbing for foreign dramas, commercials, and corporate PVs.
It can be used for a variety of genres and situations, from BGM and theme songs for games, anime, dramas, and movies, to assigning the most suitable musicians and artists, to orchestral recordings.
sound effects
We Provide high quality sound effects to suit any situation.

Script Group | Script

Game Scenario
Professional writers offer plots and scenarios in a variety of genres and tastes.
film script
Consistent support from planning to adaptation of original works and IP to film and drama.
World view/character setting
Provided the worldview setting and character setting for the game.
Export destination
Greater China (including Taiwan), MENA (Middle East and North Africa), Korea, USA, France, etc.
Major Clients
Tencent Group / Alibaba Group / Giant Group / Shengqu Group / NetEase / ByteDance (TikTok) / Bilibili / RiriShi / GG Games/ LongZu / China Literature/ C4 / Riot / Perfect World / Seasun Games/ Changyou / KingSoft / Baidu / 4399 etc. 800 companies
Contracted illustrators (a part)
藤ちょこ | 珈琲貴族 | 森倉円 | イリヤクブシノブ | 月神るな | なつめえり | よー清水 | あすだ | 柚希きひろ | 卷羊 | 望月椎那 | 木屋町 | 成瀬ちさと | ももいろね| ももしき | ni02 | うえはらゆきひこ | さくらもち | により | ティカ | 柑柚 | 早緑なな | ひとなつ | 市倉とかげ | 鉄人桃子 | 雪子 | マナカッコワライ | エイチ | ののこ | プリャカワフスキ | 飴色みそ | 知梨 | 吟 | まくらこ | Aちき | TKN | にもし | すももも | 山田ゆこ | つえづ | あじなしこ | wingheart | KGT | 徒歩 | ちた | 川上らいと | とぴあ | 外道 | enji | ツグトク | 東京幻想 | sila | こうましろ | JJ_1 | シヴァ | Cherrypin | イルレ | 胡麻乃りお | 豆の素 | 此処シグマ | Nekobell | さるぢえ | カノラユ | 藍飴 | リンゴキャラメル | かがちさく | ちょこころね | にゅむ | 純粋純粋 | Aile | ヤマザキミコ | 黄ばんだごはん | ふーぷ | 七原しえ | 憂目さと | バラバババ | やみや | Mo | 川崎愛実 | KEKI | LLLthika | Melings | ざべお | みく郎 | あやみ | 林けゐ | なび | nijimaarc | KMH | ハヤブサ | 天由 | Ecien | ペコー | AU | 有末リオ | Osd | cinkai | タラオ | comet | elran | ぽせき | 藤真拓哉 | たかなしA | 也な | ホノジロ | LAM 等41,300人(2020.1)