The CEO Mr.Wang attended and had a speech about the “Cool Japan context global online publication” @Asia Education Forum
The speech flow will as follow:
・The introduction of 『JCCD STUDIO』’s business development.
・The achievemnt and evluation of 「Global Online Publication」.
・The effort and target of 「Global Online Publication」in future.
・The sales of “Cool Japan Education Context” in overseas.
・The business model that not only get low cost and low risk, but also can be expanded rapidly.
・The finesse of how to manage high production
・How to build Win-Win relationship with partner companies

①華和結HD傘下『JCCD Studio』事業展開の説明
④ 海外に売れるクールジャパン教育コンテンツ
⑤ 低コスト・低リスクかつ迅速に展開できるビジネスモデル
⑥ 大量生産マネジメントのコツ
⑦ パートナー企業とWin-Win関係の構築